McDonald Employment was great in finding professional, kind, reliable and accommodating helpers for my mom and working with me to assemble the right team with a good fit of schedules and personalities.
- Yarrow
- Seattle, WA
I was frantic when I suddenly learned that my 97-year-old father was coming home from the hospital unexpectedly. He had previously been living alone but now his doctors told me he needed 24-hour care at home for at least the next few weeks and he needed his surgical dressing changed twice daily.
Luckily a friend had recommended McDonald Employment Services to me some months prior. I called them at noon and by 3:00pm that day they had someone at my father's house ready and able to cheerfully work a full shift, with other people scheduled to follow in other shifts. Weeks later when I decided it was in my dad's best interest to keep his helpers on the job for his continued care, they again assisted me in working out a more economical plan by suggesting live-in helpers who could work 24-hour shifts.
Our regular employees from McDonald became such a valued part of my dad's household that we now view them as dear members of our extended family. Having a reliable employment agency that was able to provide qualified and trustworthy employees for us has been a blessing.
- G.K.
- Kirkland, WA
George, it was wonderful to talk with you the other day and I want to thank you for your gracious assistance. The information you provided was very useful and it helped get my husband's siblings on track with their 85-year-old mother.
Also, finding out that there is not a service such as yours in Cincinnati is frustrating and served to remind me again how lucky Seattle is to have you and all you do for us. I cannot imagine what my life of the last 15 years would have been like without you. Multiply that by all the people you've (employed/put to work) and all the clients you've cared for and it's quite a story.
So please know you are greatly appreciated!
- Capper
- Seattle, WA
Words cannot express our thanks to you and all the wonderful "angels" you sent to us over the years. We are truly blessed to have had the good fortune to work with you. Please notice our tribute to you on the back of Mother's program. With heartfelt thanks - we'll never forget you!
- Louise and Family
- Medina, WA
I'm a retired King County Superior Court Judge. When my wife was injured in an accident, I contacted McDonald Employment Services to coordinate her full charge, around-the-clock care. I shall forever be grateful for their kind and expert help.
- BW
- Seattle, WA
I am very pleased to have worked with George Vestal at McDonald Employment Services for over 20 years. He has consistently provided excellently-qualified home care employees for clients of mine during that time. George and his staff are careful about matching needs and temperament of client with caregiver and we can always depend upon the reliability and trustworthiness of caregivers referred by George. At those times when we have found ourselves with a problem due to caregiver illness or scheduling, we have always found George and his staff to be cheerfully and immediately responsive. I highly recommend McDonald Employment Services to all who ask about employment referral services.
- Ann E. Lev
- Personal Business Services, Inc., Seattle, WA Serving the elderly for 20 years
I don't know what I would have done for two plus years without your company. When Dad had his accident and I was given the task of being his guardian... I was fortunate to have the advice of my dad's attorney, referring me to you. I remember our first conversation where you spoke to me for over forty-five minutes on the phone asking questions about my dad, his life, work, likes and dislikes and current disabilities. Your office worked diligently within the tight parameters I set to meet our needs. I want you all to know from the bottom of my heart your work was deeply appreciated.
- Pete Ihrig
- West Linn, OR
We have had occasion to use McDonald Employment Services for home care service providers a number of times during the past 10+ years, and we have always been pleased with the results. In a few situations where things did not work out as anticipated, usually due to scheduling problems, we were happy that the Replacement Guarantee was in effect and we were able to fill the need without significant additional cost. The McDonald people understood our needs and responded quickly and with the right people to satisfy them. We have recommended you in the past and will continue to do so.
- Herb and Lucy Pruzan
- Seattle, WA
We can also make a difference in your life. For more information contact us at info@mcdonaldemployment.com or at (206) 284-5244

Distinguished Member of Seattle Executives Association since 1993
Proud member of International Executives Association since 1999
Proud Sponsor of E.B. Dunn Historic Garden Trust